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Tucson_New Flag.jpg

What was your inspiration?

TED Talk by Roman Mars

CGP Grey video

The new Minnesota state flag

Syracuse redesign case study



Why didn’t you include . . . ?

Every flag must be severely edited. There are so many aspects to a city or town that it’s impossible to include everything, so choices must be made. Yet so much of Tucson is expressed with just these few elements that this flag will work for everyone.



Why do we need a new flag, or any flag? Tucson is just fine without it.

Tucson would be fine without many things. We don’t need The Loop, Sabino Canyon, Sonoran Desert Museum, 4th Avenue Street Fair, or UA basketball (okay, maybe the last one). But these things help bind our city. A well designed flag is another element that will show our pride. The Arizona flag is everywhere and rightly so, but a Tucson flag should be everywhere too.



Why not just keep using the city seal?

The city seal was designed to go on plaques, buildings, and letterheads. It’s far too complicated to be clearly read from far away. Although useful in its own right, it’s not good for flags.



Will people get it?

Absolutely! A quick explanation is all that’s necessary. Many emotions are tied up in flags so any new design should be given a bit of time to settle in.



It's so simple. Anyone could have done this.

It’s easy to add more and more detail, but it takes rigorous thought and design to hone a flag to essential elements. 


Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.



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